
Showing posts from February, 2023

4 Health habits that can enhance your immunity

  Appropriate nutrition is not only enough to have a healthier immune system as it requires other health habits, lifestyle, and other practices that go hand in hand with it. Otherwise, the absence of one habit may result in unhealthy life from compromised immunity.   1. Getting enough sleep Sleeping enough time (7-8 hours) really amends our body and specific immunity. This is based on the fact that sleep deprivation likely tends to suppress (the immune system) and diseases fighting power by reducing T-cells productions in the human body. Although older adults are accustomed to sleeping problems (insomnia), they should try to sleep at any cost for the sake of mitigating minor health concerns. 2. Moderate exercises Not only maintaining healthy body weight in adults, but physical exercises might also lower the risks of  health problems such as  obesity  and lead to  improved immunity. Physical exercises depend on people's health status and energy as well. Normally, 30 mi