4 Health habits that can enhance your immunity


Appropriate nutrition is not only enough to have a healthier immune system as it requires other health habits, lifestyle, and other practices that go hand in hand with it.

Otherwise, the absence of one habit may result in unhealthy life from compromised immunity.  

1. Getting enough sleep

Sleeping enough time (7-8 hours) really amends our body and specific immunity.

This is based on the fact that sleep deprivation likely tends to suppress (the immune system) and diseases fighting power by reducing T-cells productions in the human body.

Although older adults are accustomed to sleeping problems (insomnia), they should try to sleep at any cost for the sake of mitigating minor health concerns.

2. Moderate exercises

Not only maintaining healthy body weight in adults, but physical exercises might also lower the risks of health problems such as obesity and lead to improved immunity.

Physical exercises depend on people's health status and energy as well. Normally, 30 min/per day is advised and 3-5 times per week.

Each individual should try physical activities as far he/she can; be it running, collective sports, walking, swimming and many others depending on which one is feasible and easy so as to improve our immunity.

3. Managing stress

Normally, stress is inevitable in our daily life but what matters the most is the way we try to minimize and manage it.

We ought to minimize it. Why?

Numerous kinds of literature confirm that certain types of stress might hinder or overstimulate hormones in the body and then weaken our immunity and hence susceptible to frequent infections.

4. Remember to avoid infections

Apart from improved immunity, an individual should also help his/her body to minimize infections through various daily practices.

Those daily practices include; Hand washing frequently, and practicing food safety during food preparation at home.

Wash fruits and vegetables, and keep raw food in the refrigerator or cold refrigerants. Cook meat and seafood thoroughly and keep cooked and raw food separately.

Without an outstanding defense, the country cannot function properly and even may collapse. This is the same for your body, the best secret to staying healthy and living long is to take care of the body's immune system and remember to visit health professionals sooner once feel sick.



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