How many eggs should we eat daily for healthy living?


  A great number of people tend to ask themselves this question on egg-eating patterns based on some dangerous outcomes from its cholesterol.

However, they are not very far from the truth based on the fact that excessive consumption of eggs’ cholesterol is among the leading cause of heart diseases and even mortality in all adults. what is an excessive consumption of eggs? 

How many eggs should we eat daily for healthier life?

A wide range of medical literatures prove that 186mg of cholesterol is gained from the consumption of a single egg. 

This clarifies that cholesterol from one egg provides 62% of recommended daily intake of about 300 mg per day.

As common recommendation, eating 2-6 egg yolk weekly was suggested even though the deep scientific research is still so far.

On the other hand, there is no specific number of eggs to eat daily, however the suggested range was from 1-3 eggs daily. 

Nonetheless, some people who are riskier to heart problems such as older adults, diabetics and overweight should strictly limit too much cholesterol from eggs for the sake of their lives.

Based on the cholesterol facts, it should be ingested  as less possible as it is manufactured by human body itself through its synthesis in the liver.

Additionally, liver tend to produce more cholesterol when their intake is less and produces less when it is consumed in excess.

It should be a healthy to include appropriate amount of eggs in your daily meal rather than quitting them definitely even if you have health problems.

Apart from bad cholesterol, health problems and heart diseases may also be caused by different chronic health habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake and dietary issues like too much saturated, fats, trans-fats, and so on.

Although excessive eggs consumptions may lead to some health problems in mostly seniors, they should also be considered as the most critical food for better health in the later life stage.

According to current works of literature, Eggs also have exceptional nutrition profile as a nutrient-dense food.

Amazingly, eggs can also lower Cardiovascular Diseases risks. But how? 

Through Omega-3-fatty acid in the form of Eico-Pentanoic-Acid (EPA) and Doco- Hexanoic-Acid (DHA), eggs are thought to lessen the risks of different heart concerns.

In addition, unsaturated fats from eggs tend to reduce inflammation in the body that cause damage to blood vessels. 

Besides, unsaturated fats lead to the reduction of unhealthy fats, Fatal ischemic heart diseases, blood clotting, fats plaques buildup in the arteries of older people.

In all, eggs should be consumed in moderation for the sake of better health. 

If you've health problems you should check dietician or any other healthcare provider for further consultations and counseling. 


Miranda, J. M. (2015). Egg and egg-derived foods: Effects on human health and use as functional foods. Nutrients, 706-729.

Ruxton, C. H. (2010). The nutritional properties and health benefits of eggs.

Vilà, B. (1999). Improvement of biologic and nutritional value of eggs. Ciheam, 379-396.

Zealand, H. F. (2016). Eggs and the Heart. 22-26.




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